Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018

The Jesus Blog: Is Donald Trump a Christian?

Is Donald Trump the Messiah?
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"Whether people like him or not, he has been raised up by God, because God says that He raises up and places all people in places of authority,” televangelist Paula White recently told Jim Bakker, a right-wing pastor and vocal Trump supporter. It is God that raises up a king, it is God that sets one down and so when you ...

Trump is Right - Blogspot
Alex Jones: It's Time To Impeach Trump - President Trump's $1.3 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill | True News - Why Donald Why? President Trump Betrayal, Signs Disastrous Spending Bill! - Trump Based Outrage About Budget Bill - VIDEO: Trump Signs Budget Bill But Vows "Never Again" To Sign A Bill Like This ...

2016 Presidential Campaign Blog: Donald Trump
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20 Jan 2017 - Remarks of President Donald J. Trump – As Prepared for Delivery Inaugural Address Friday, January 20, 2017. Washington, D.C.. As Prepared for Delivery – Chief Justice Roberts,President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans, and people of the world: thank you.

Thank You, Mr. Trump. - Yes, You're Crazy - Blogspot
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8 Okt 2016 - Thank you, Hillary Clinton for being so incredibly awesome. On behalf of every person who has had to deal with an abuser or bully, thank you for standing up to Donald Trump. Thank you for not backing down when he tries to shout over you or interrupt you or stare at you incredulously when you are talking ...

The loneliness of Donald Trump - Reading the Maps - Blogspot
2 Jul 2017 - President Trump's first fortnight in power has taught us three lessons. The first lesson is that Trump is an economic nationalist. He was serious when he talked, on the campaign trail, about scrapping free trade deals and keeping American companies from migrating to Mexico and Asia. He was serious about ...

Donald Trump - Topics - Lawfare
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Donald Trump · The President and His Lawyers. Bob Bauer Mon, Mar 12, 2018, 7:00 AM. Reports ofPresident Trump's relationship with his lawyers in both the Stormy Daniels case and the Mueller investigation make clear the president's lack of respect for independent legal advice that gets in his way. Read more about The ...

Schultz's Take
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How will this scandal affect Donald Trump and the prospects for his participation in the presidential election-2020? ... How should one assess the role of Cambridge Analytica in the victory of Donald Trump in the presidential election-2016? ... Today's blog originally appeared on March 18, 2018 in the Pioneer Press.

The Jesus Blog: Is Donald Trump a Christian?
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25 Feb 2016 - Donald Trump is a Presbyterian. He may well be the most famous Presbyterian in the world at the moment. Does this make Trump a Christian? Well, I suppose, sort of…. yeah. As a Presbyterian myself, I would like to make a distinction between identity and representation. In other words, someone can be a ...

Pastor Gabe's Blog: Gambling With Donald Trump: Why He Is Not ...
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2 Sep 2016 - The election is about two months away. It is an election of the Liberals: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson, or Jill Stein. Pick your poison. "But wait! Don't forget about Darrell Castle of the Constitution party!" Right, the conspiracy theorist who backs the birther movement and believes 9/11 was an ...

Mike Rose's Blog: Donald Trump, Celebrity Culture, and the White ...
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30 Nov 2016 - One of the things that has baffled me from the start of Donald Trump's rise in the GOP primary is how he could become the darling of so many White working class voters. I know some segments of this population, particularly the people who worked in heavy industry in the Northeast, many of them, like me, ...

ISW Blog: Russia's Mediterranean Threat to NATO

ISW Blog: Russia's Mediterranean Threat to NATO
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13 Jul 2017 - Key Takeaway: Russian President Vladimir Putin is establishing a long-term military presence in the Mediterranean Sea in part to contest the United States' ability to operate freely and hold NATO's southern flank at risk.[1] Russia's military has deployed approximately 15 naval vessels as part of
a ...

Berbagi, dari Amatir menuju Pro: Siapa Vladimir Putin? (Russia Part 1)
28 Jan 2013 - Putin presiden toh??, ya... benar sekali , bagi anda yang belum tau siapa sosokVladimir Putin, berikut saya jelaskan secara singkat dan terperinci sesuai ... Bagi para pembaca yang berminat untuk mengetahui lebih dalam mengenai sepak terjang Putin akan saya publikasikan di entriblog berikutnya atau ...

Vladimir Putin Wins Russian Election by a Big Margin ~ Intel
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6 hari yang lalu - First Xi and now Putin just days after? The synchronicity is palpable. ~ Dinar Chronicles Russia election: Vladimir Putin wins by big margin. GETTY IMAGES | Mr Putin has been either president or prime minister for almost 20 years. Vladimir Putin will lead Russia for another six years, after securing an ...

President of Russia (@KremlinRussia_E) | Twitter
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5754 tweets • 1442 photos/videos • 668K followers. "Telephone conversation with President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa"

What Paul Gregory is Writing About
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Trump should be wary of Putin's 'truth'-telling. If Putin can claim with a straight face that Russia did not orchestrate the Crimean annexation and has not used regular Russian troops in Ukraine, he can solemnly assert to President Trump that Russia did not intervene in the U.S. election and “believe” what he says. After all ...

Vladimir Putin | The Way of Love Blog
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Posts about Vladimir Putin written by Nancy B. Detweiler.

Russia-US row: Putin rules out tit-for-tat expulsion of diplomats - BBC ...
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30 Des 2016 - Russian President Vladimir Putin has ruled out a tit-for-tat response after the US expelled 35 Russian diplomats amid a row over hacking. He said Russia would not "stoop" to the level of "irresponsible diplomacy" but would work to restore ties with the US under President-elect Donald Trump. The country ...

The New York Review of Books Blog | Amy Knight | Russia Expert
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Putin's Monster. MAY 19, 2017. Vladimir Putin and Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov have long had a Faustian bargain. Putin counts on Kadyrov's ruthlessness to keep potential unrest in his Muslim-majority republic, where the Kremlin has fought two wars, from coming to the surface. In return, the Kremlin funnels vast ...

Sayed Hasan - Blogspot
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Vladimir Putin Responds to Trump's Nuclear Doctrine and Unveils New Russian Weapons. Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly - March 1, 2018, Moscow. The President of Russia delivered the Address to the Federal Assembly. The ceremony took place at the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall. Source: ...

Shanti Phula's Blog: President Vladimir Putin blasts Pope Francis and ...
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13 Jan 2018 - President Vladimir Putin blasts Pope Francis and exposes him as a “servant of Satan.” The news below has come as a shock. President Putin blatantly criticized Pope Francis and called the pope a “servant of Satan.” I have claimed on this blog that Pope Francis is a Satanist. I also conveyed that there is ...